The Teak Tree, or Tectona, is one of the tropical hardwood birches, included in the family Verbenaceae. Teak is especially noted for its capacity to withstand changes in the weather and season. One of the reasons for this is the ability of the Teak to bend, but not break, in the face of high winds. In India, Teak wood, because of its durability, is used - in addition to its use in furniture and other products - in the production of door and window frames. The most salient characteristic of Teak is its resistance to all kinds of weather. Because of this, it is also resistant to decay and easily repels insects. This is one of the reasons that, unlike other woods, it is often used as the main material for both indoor and outdoor furniture. Teak wood holds its form over many years, even if left outside, and because of this it has often been used for the decking of ships - with its special aroma, cruise ships in particular. |